Alternative History

Top 170 Greatest Alternative Rock Albums of the 90s

The 100 greatest alternative rock albums of the 90s were, for the most part, great hits. No longer was inventive, often bizarre, guitar-heavy music reduced to being sold exclusively in stores that handled independent records exclusively. These albums were of global…
Alternative History

Top 150 Greatest Indie Rock Albums of All-Time

The greatest indie rock albums of all time all have a few things in common. They contain great, usually off-kilter songs. They’re made following the muse, often to dark corners, not trailing commercial expectations. And, all, without exception, have caused a few other…
Alternative History

Top 150 Greatest Alternative Albums of All-Time

The greatest alternative albums of all-time have staying power. They have great. They were innovative daring audiences to broaden their horizons. And, more often than not, they were made by bands and artists who sponsored seriously bizarre fashion choices. Yes, the…
Alt Reviews

The Foxtails and GreenWing Reviewed

The Foxtails – Love in the Face of Overwhelming Odds Similar artists: blink-182, Paramore, The 1975 Genre: Pop Punk, Alternative Rock You can only wear your leather jacket or smoke your unfiltered cigs for so long. Eventually, it’s summer, and wearing a…
Alternative History

U2 Albums Ranked: Under a Blood Red Sky

U2 saw filled arenas and hit singles, whereas other groups saw three-chord punk just as a way to play their local bar on a Saturday night. Their ambition was infectious. U2’s albums are consistently ranked as some of the best ever made. Critics loved them. Most…