Actve Captve – The Idiot Crows
Who did you vote for this election season? What issue were you supporting passionately? It doesn’t matter. Two things are most likely to have happened to you. There was likely an election where you live and all the propaganda surrounding it found a way into your mind. And, most importantly, you lost. It doesn’t quite matter if your candidate won or not.
Yes, it’s a ridiculous time. The next generation, who, inevitably, will want to live out in the mountains free of an internet connection, will laugh at us. They’ll amuse themselves with stories of how the apps we created to post vacation photos on, ended up being the ones delivering false information meant to sway elections and start revolutions. It’ll be hilarious, but it’ll also probably be too late.
Actve Captve’s “The Idiot Crows” familiar dream-pop sounds with sharp, bitter criticism of society. That’s quite a mix. The dreamy sounds are delivered by the production choices of Jordan Lawlor (M83). The familiar melodies and intricate arrangement are all the work of the Justin Han-fronted group. And if the melodies used in the verse sound familiar, then it’s the man mentioned above who is responsible for them.
Protest songs have never been this dreamy! But, should you really get mad and yell out into the streets that people are idiots anymore? We may well be past that point. Just start preparing for life out in the mountains and know who you definitely won’t be taking with you.
Luma Fade – Cosmos
Whenever a person’s in the news for having carried out an incredible deed, they ask questions about what his love life was like, what he believed in, etc. If the deed is impressive, people want to meet this person’s parents and teachers. If it’s a particularly evil one, they’ll want to know which podcasts they were listening to and whether they consumed any illicit substances before carrying out the deed.
But nobody asked what music they were listening to and how intensely they were paying attention. Now, that’s an important question. I doubt that there’s been any horrible battle fought without some kind of tribal drum leading people to their deaths.
Similarly, I doubt that the people who search in music for sounds that can carry their soul to a higher realm of vibration then go out and carry out any of the evil things mentioned earlier. Music has a profound effect.
Listen to Luma Fade’s “Cosmos,” and convince your friends and neighbours to do this as well, and you’re likely to have a more peaceful world. Really get the people to listen, and the harmonious dream-pop may just force everyone to want to seek this sort of beauty on a regular basis if the universe can offer us things as lovely as these songs, why fight against it all the time?