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Alt Reviews

Modern troubles: Alms and Tsunamiz review

Alms and Tsunamiz review

Tsunamiz – Magickal Seeds

Genre: Indietronica, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock

Similar artists: Gorillaz; Sleaford Mods; M.I.A.; Nirvana; Beck

Here I was, just a kid who liked rock music. I had a collection of classics to rely on little else. My hunger for new music made me socialize with older folk, all of who professed to have a stellar knowledge of the subject. I would nod politely and try and swipe their record collection. 

Their collections, however, were also entirely made up of classic rock, with a particular penchant for prog. Worse still, almost all of them seemed to believe that unless a song featured guitar solos, could be played live, and denied the use of electronic elements, it was no good to anyone. I can safely report that these characters are still listening to their Pink Floyd records and little else. 

Which is a shame! Because music, including rock, is evolving. And, damn, it would be terribly boring if it didn’t. Resist it or not, Tsunamiz represents one of the ways in which it is involved. This is fun rock n’ roll with a mischief love of alternative sounds. It’s music that would fit into an action-packed video game. It’s rock that might get people uninterested in the genre to dance to its grooves. Pink Floyd records are just dandy, but the likes of Tsunamiz are showing all of us that we need to keep our options open. 

Alms – Headspace 

Genre: Indie Rock, Alternative Rock

Similar artists: Momma, Toner, Milly, Cryogeyser, Spirit of The Beehive, Big Bite

Where would the world be if nobody ever changed? What would life be like if we could freeze it into perpetual teenage years? Boring, probably. Often satisfying, yes. 

It could also be that living through these years is an experience worth documenting. Even if it doesn’t appear to be that way at the time. There’s nothing like friends and loved ones drifting away with time to make one feel nostalgic. 

Alms may be a young group, but they’ve already experienced some of that. The gentle indie-pop of  Headspace is a rumination on the passing of time, and the inevitability of close bonds to be broken. Alms act much like a meditation app, reminding you to stay in the moment. 

Tsunamiz - Magickal Seeds


Alms - Headspace 




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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