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Terrific Mess: Balloon Thief and Plasma Canvas Reviewed

Balloon Thief and Plasma Canvas Reviewed

Plasma Canvas – Dilemma Dancer

Genre: Punk, Grunge

Plasma Canvas deliver all of their bitterness in the sweetest pop-punk coating there is, a trick that’s worked for many classic artists. 

The greatest games are all about deception. Just ask the people that play them and are winners of these games. When Argentine footballer Diego Maradona scored his most famous hand using his hand, he said that the people who complained simply didn’t understand how the game was really played. 

In the same way, some of the most upbeat, energy-inducing songs are about the saddest or creepiest things. It’s almost an unwritten rule in pop music. Perhaps it simply plays upon something that our brain desires. The sour-and-sweet candy of pop music. 

I bet you that the hook of Plasma Canvas’s “Dilemma Dancer” is the most delightful thing that you’ll be hearing all day. But all that old-school dancing comes equipped with lyrics of self-loathing and confusion. It’s a song about being miserable from someone that’s just managed to get a buzz. The buzz won’t last too long, and neither does this song, as it begs to be replayed. 

I bet you that the hook of Plasma Canvas’s “Dilemma Dancer” is the most delightful thing that you’ll be hearing all day. But all that old-school dancing comes equipped with lyrics of self-loathing and confusion.

Balloon Thief – NOBLE STEED

Similar artists: Ramones, The Clash, Tee Vee Repairmann, Research Reactor Corp., The Spits

Genre: Punk, Garage Rock

Balloon Thief capture the energy and love of absurdity of original punk and deliver a chaotic but easily enjoyable single with “NOBLE STEED.”

It’s never smart to get too get at anything. This was one of the rules by which the original punk-rock bands operated. The other rule involved getting the flashiest, best-looking clothes for the least amount of money. Both made sense in those particular circumstances. 

The former carries through, however. You don’t want to get too advanced in any particular field. What will end up happening is that you’ll think you’re very smart. And you will start believing that you can innovate. But you most likely won’t and simply rehash all the myriad formulas that you’ve had to learn while acquiring the knowledge. 

Balloon Thief’s “NOBLE STEED” lets chaos and lack of technical finesse settle matters. And the song is better off for it. It’s as absurd as an ice cream parlor in Greenland and as energy-filled as a rehearsal tape of musicians who have just met. It’s just smart and good enough to make for great rock music. Imagine if the guitar player could do Hendrix’s licks. That would just ruin it!

Plasma Canvas - Dilemma Dancer


Balloon Thief - NOBLE STEED




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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