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Alt Reviews

Blanker and Dream Pony Reviewed

Blanker and Dream Pony Reviewed

Blanker – Hives

You may always feel like your life is lacking something. That kind of anxiety is natural, the experts assure us. And, most likely, that kind of fear is enough to drive us toward our goals. In fact, if anything, it’s best to think as little as possible about all of the things you lack, especially when trying to pull something difficult. All the books you didn’t read, all the courses you skipped, the leg day workouts you never engaged in? Forget ‘em. 

Look at rock n’ roll. While some folks waste their days away studying scales, doing ear training, and fighting against falling asleep at jazz concerts, some go with the basics. Strictly. Coffee will wake you up. Speed will get you far. People are inclined to listen to someone who seems truly angry about a certain topic. These rules hold up!

Blanker’s “Hives” is a powerful garage rock because it adds the aforementioned ingredients to the mix. It is fast, loud, and angry. But it has something extra working in its favor. The singing is great in this context! And while the lyrics about what it is wrong and what is right are nearly as confusing as an interview with the band IDLES, that matters very little. Blanker has put together the right mix of sounds, with just the right amount of intensity, and little can be done about stopping him now. 

Dream Pony – Watching the Dogs

Music producers and managers always encourage their clients to go with the trend. Most of them focus so much on this that by the time they’ve imitated the latest fashionable sound, it’s already old. The pop charts, for most, are a game of catch-up with the public’s expectations. Worse still, those devoted to maintaining their finger on the pulse of pop culture instead get their careers shortened. 

They say that trends are cyclical. Wait around long enough, and things will come back. Maybe you don’t need to find a trend, but rather be patient and you’ll become trendy once again. 

Then there are those things that simply never go away. Those are the things on which exciting pop music was built – groove-oriented guitar riffs and flashy clothes. The trends dance around them but never replace ‘em. 

Dream Pony’s “Watching the Dogs” should remind you in equal measure of The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, of glam-rock, or of the earliest forms of amplified garage music. They’re the same thing, really. They’re loud, flamboyant, and enough to cause excitement. That’s what Dream Pony bring. And, no, they don’t sound like they’re chasing a trend. They sound and look like they’ve been hanging around for decades in the same clothes, playing the same riffs. It’s the world that’s shifted. 

Blanker - Hives


Dream Pony - Watching the Dogs




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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