Bob Dylan, one of music’s most celebrated songwriters, has just sold his entire catalog for $300 million. Universal Music Publishing purchased the entire discography.
The move is quite a surprising one. Dylan, throughout his career, tended to avoid media scrutiny, corporate colaborations, and fought to maintain creative control over his work.
The much celebrated singer-songwriter is estimated to have sold more than 125 millions albums worldwide. His career started back in the 1960s. His received numerous plaudits for his distinguished work, including the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016.
Bob Dylan’s catalog includes more than 600 songs. The discography, now owned by Universal, stretches from Dylan’s self-titled 1962 debut, until his celebrated 2020 release Rough and rowdy ways.
This is not the first time that famous musicians have sold the rights to their body of work. Fleetwood Mac’s singer, Stevie Nicks, recently sold her entire songwriting catalog. She will receive an approximate $80 million. Independent music publisher Primary Wave Music purchased the rights.
While the implications are not fully clear, this is certainly an interesting topic. The rock music industry is notoriously discouraging about allowing artists own the rights to their compositions. From the Beatles to Taylor Swift, the topic has sparked endless debates and even some legal fights.