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Alt Reviews

Bromsen and Deadhead Daisies Reviewed

Bromsen and Deadhead Daisies Reviewed

Bromsen – We! 

Similar artists: Nirvana, Joy Division, Depeche Mode, Iggy Pop

Genre: Indie Rock

Whenever trying to decide a rock group’s worth, it’s wise to take a look at how influential it has been. Just how many bands sound like them? And, just how many other musicians have confessed to getting started with playing because of that group? You may not always be pleased with the answer you get, as some dubious trends tend to get more attention than they deserve, but it’s a pretty safe measurement. 

Now, of all modern rock trends, the Seattle grunge groups seem to have had the biggest impact, and none more so than Nirvana. Calling them “influential” is not an empty boast but something that can be verified easily. Television, radio, and now playlists are all responsible for promoting groups that adopted Kurt Cobain’s loud-soft-loud song dynamics and Beatlesque melodies. 

Bromsen fight hard to be unique. They do this by blending influences that don’t automatically sound like they’d go together. On “We!” the German group manages to sound like Nirvana playing synth-pop to stadium audiences in 2024. It’s not an artsy experiment, either. This is clearly the work of musicians trying to score pop hits. That’s not a bad thing, and neither is the fact that the duo has such a clear vision for the way forward. 

Deadhead Daisies – Inside Job

Every rapper, trapper, pop singer and hip-hop producer cites Kurt Cobain as an influence. I doubt many of them do it cynically. And while sure, they probably ain’t never heard Nirvana’s deep cuts, the fact remains that angry, simple grunge music had a profound effect on future generations. They’re now trying to make their own, and, most of the time, it hardly ever resembles the sound of the original Seattle bands. 

But Cobain isn’t the only one who has had such a massive effect. Trent Reznor isn’t lagging far behind. As it turns out, earnest rage and a desire to innovate and play with cutting-edge technology are enough to keep you in the discussion for many, many years. Expect to hear plenty of artists who adhere to Nine Inch Nails’ principles but who avoid copying them sound collage per sound collage. 

Deadhead Daisies’ “Inside Job” sounds like something that leaves underground, a beast that comes out only at night to terrorize the city. In the way that it blends electronic and hard-rock elements, in the complexity of the lyrics, and in the vocal delivery, it echoes Trent Reznor’s early work. But it merely hints at it. This ain’t no tribute, and using these older bands as inspiration may just be the way to find the way to write down coordinates for the future. 

Bromsen - We! 


Deadhead Daisies - Inside Job




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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