Alt Reviews

DIY heaven: Vctm Cltr and Alexander Boe reviewed

Alexander Boe – Kill the Elderly Naming your song Kill the Elderly is like staging a play and offering free cookies. It’s bound to get people interested, but there better be something to keep the people the snacks run out.  Fortunately, in spite of what…
Alt Reviews

Endless toil: Harpers and Brian In The Museum reviewed

Brian In The Museum – Good Works And Deeds Nick Hornby says that as a kid, he only used to listen to music that was made using the heavy sounds of distorted electric guitars. Once some of the more sophisticated songwriting works started catching his attention, he…
Alt Reviews

A time for dreamers: Knopf and Max Mercier reviewed

Max Mercier – Dance In Your Fire  In terms of soulful comfort, naturally, music works differently on people. Personally, I don’t think there’s any other style that hugs you closer in its warm embrace than modern psychedelic music.  For all the…