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Album ReviewsAlt Reviews

Claudio Cipriani – Meek 

Claudio Cipriani - Meek

Modern folk often like to look at people living in the countryside or in developing nations with derision and a particular brand of fake modesty. Yet, it doesn’t take a very complex analysis to realize that they’re living out in the way that humans were built to. 

They wake up at dawn and go to sleep when the sun sets in order to use every bit of daylight. Scientists agree that this is the healthiest. They eat what comes out of the ground and drink water that they’re blessed to run through their land. Nutritionists say that is the healthiest. And most importantly, their spiritual essence is tied to living in balance with nature. It’s unhealthy for the rest of us to think that we could live in any other way. 

That philosophy, one that must sound eccentric to the vast majority of wealthy Westerners, is what drives Swiss-born singer-songwriter Claudio Cipriani. The newest collection of songs, the EP titled “Meek,” is an attempt to sing nature’s praises and harness its powers to bring about calm, serenity, and a feeling of fulfillment that most of the people I told you about earlier carry with them. 

How does Cipriani go about doing this? The EP begins innocently enough with “Forthlin Road” and continues in the same way throughout. This is music written by travelers and made to accompany those with itchy feet. The composition, as all others on the EP, reveals a modesty that all those who tread across the Earth in search of magnificent findings must have with them. 

Cirpriani’s brand of indie-folk has more in common with old-time ballads and classical music than it does with The Lumineers and Honda advertisement music. “Waves Come and Go” is a song about the nature of the time and the philosophy of “This too shall pass.”

The warmth of Cipriani’s singing and of the balanced, sensible approach brought by the musicians he’s chosen to accompany him elevate songs like the highly melodic “Bond of Light” or the gentle “Mimosa Valentine.”

Yes, there are plenty of pop stars just dying to tell you about their diet, their political beliefs, or their spiritual rituals. But are they living with all of those? That’s the secret. What about Cipriani? Maybe the best answer to that question lies in the EP’s closer, “Life is a Song.” Try and adopt a bit of the songwriter’s philosophy for your own, and you may just find yourself happier, and better off.  



Records by Luk Kipfer Influx Studios Berne, Switzerland

Produced by:

Niklaus Vogel:


Claudio Cipriani: Guitars and Leadvocals

Jürg Lietha: Co-Songwriter and Piano & Keys

Luk Kipfer: Guitars, Basses

Violin, Synthprogramming: Niklaus Vogel

Drums: Manuel Pasquinelli

Tuba: Martin Rieder

Cello: Brigitt Sahin Eymann

Sabine Rauber: VocalsSarah Maurer ( – Photographer

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About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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