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Alt Reviews

Contour and FRIEND Reviewed

Contour and FRIEND Reviewed

FRIEND – All The Money In The World

Similar artists: Wavves, FIDLAR, Together Pangea

Genre: Punk, Pop Punk, Indie Rock

There’s plenty of fast and slow music out there, as well as everything else in between, ready to scratch whatever itch you have as a music listener. But when in comes to fast-paced, energy-filled music, in particular, there is no guarantee that the folks making it will be able to keep at it forever. And, maybe, neither the fans nor the musicians would want it to.

Ramones shows used to last for half an hour. They managed to build a career off of that, and nobody ever complained. But Ramones just FIDLAR, or you, dear reader, won’t be able to power through their days with the same amount of energy for all of their lives. It’s important to make a document of it. After all, maybe it will do some good and inspire others. 

FRIEND’s “All The Money In The World” is a frantic surf-punk song. It sounds as if it was made by teenagers discovering the joys of mixing colossal quantities of beer and sugar. It recalls FIDLAR’s debut album, and there’s simply no way that hearing this early in the morning won’t make you want to move and seize the day. 

FRIEND’s “All The Money In The World” is a frantic surf-punk song. It sounds as if it was made by teenagers discovering the joys of mixing colossal quantities of beer and sugar.

Contour – I’m Not Yours

Similar artists: Thrice, Alexisonfire, PUP, Billy Talent, Rise Against

Genre: Post-Hardcore, Pop Punk

Unfortunately, being judged as an artist does not occur after other, more complex criteria than being judged as a regular person. You’ll usually be defined by your most obvious trait. Yes, there’s plenty to remind you of 2000s emo-rock when it comes to Contour. But to focus solely on this would be to disrespect their efforts. 

To start off with, unless you are determined to create an AI-powered band that acts as a tribute to Kraftwerk, you’re bound to write emotional songs. What would be the point otherwise? And who would be able to remain immune from all of the hardships and terrible news with which we are bombarded every single day? 

Contour’s “I’m Not Yours” is a piece of poetic emo-prog. Yes, the song contains theatrical, half-shouted vocals and the production values that will remind you of their 2000s predecessors. It is also, however, a highly complex musical affair with a high degree of inventiveness and lyrics that deal with man’s pursuit of freedom. It’s music deserving of a chance and of your time. 

FRIEND - All The Money In The World


Contour - I’m Not Yours




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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