Crones – Vegas Years
Everyone has a past. But for most people that involves having sat in a tiny room for years and years doing math exercises, or answering phones. For most people, their past is a series of endless, boring days which helped them get to where they’re at today.
In fact, very few people talk about the past as if that was a time in which they saw too much of the world, really got the opportunity to learn how things work, and would prefer not to linger too much on.
People aren’t very interesting. The ones who who talk as if they’re hiding a secret usually aren’t hiding anything except for unpaid parking tickets. And, the ones who lead an interesting enough life, don’t want to be bothered.
Crones’ “Vegas Years” sounds like the cryptic confession of a person who lived too hard, too fast, and who is happy to have slowed down. “Vegas Years” resembles the early Steely Dan record, but with the Hi-Fi replaced for Lo-Fi. There are low down stories and characters crawling out of these words, but you’d need to have been there to understand it fully.
Coydog – Witch Blood
Maybe it’s true that we all share in a common illusion that we call “life.” Perhaps it’s true that we all contribute to it, and, most importantly, the worst aspects of our character harm it for all the other ones around us.
If that’s true, we ought to be very careful who we let into our circle. And, considering how any piece of news, or any nasty gossip from across the world can now reach us within seconds, we ought to be careful about what information we allow in our lives.
Rock n’ roll just like magic are attempts at moving energy around by creating rituals. All rituals require discipline, imagination, and a good deal of respect. Those are things that are not easy to come by in modern society.
Coydog’s “Witch Blood” is ceremonial rock n’ roll. Inspired by Stevie Nicks and by places that haven’t yet been tarnished by human hand, Coydog’s music is meant to charm, and help willing listeners land in a trance-like state. There aren’t many benefits to being one more functioning part of society nowadays. Thankfully, the world, has set about ways to try and escape it.