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Alt Reviews

Any pop: Devin Farney and Plastic Mermaids reviewed

David Farney and Plastic Mermaids reviewed

Plastic Mermaids – Something Better

Genre: Indie Pop, Alternative Rock, Alt Pop

To paraphrase Iggy Pop, everyone wants to have someone letting them know that they ain’t to creep. In the attempts to dispel such rumors, there are undoubtedly other, safer career paths that one might choose. Work in an office. Study to become a dentist. Get a degree in architecture. All of those are noble professions viewed by peers as the kind that are usually occupied by the kinds of people that take on grand responsibilities. 

Now, that is all fine and good, but if you are going to be an artist, you will need to level with your audience. There’s no other way to get them on your side, to let them understand where from where you come and where you are going. If you really want to whisper the definitive truth into the ears of your audiences, you may need to take the risk of sounding a bit creepy. 

This has phased the following psych-pop collective very little. Plastic Mermaids’ Something Better is the kind of tune that sounds partly like a confession of love and partly like an admission of murder. It’s incredibly intimate, indeed, and frighteningly unstable. But, it makes for great pop music, lovely poetry, and the kind of recorded vocals that give ASMR artists a run for their money. Whisper this slowly!

Devin Farney – My Kind of Person

Genre: Power Pop, Classic Rock, Surf Rock

As the story goes, the always calm and confident Paul McCartney was only ever startled by one other songwriter. That man was Brian Wilson, who by his late 20s had changed pop music from a mild form of escapism into a form. 

McCartney, likely, was startled by two things. The first, obviously, was Wilson’s incredible gift for writing complex, sweet, Back-like pop operas. The second, one might assume, was Wilson’s eccentricity, one that was likely born out of the discomfort with the popularity that had been thrust upon him. 

It’s all good to note that decades later, as both men celebrate their 80th birthdays, the appeal of their music has not died out. On the contrary, Devin Farney’s My kind of person is a tune inspired by Brian Wilson and one that hints at the same kind of boundless sonic possibilities. Vocal melodies are layered on top of each other like stairs on the Tower of Babel, while the orchestration provides more sweetness than a granny-made strawberry jam. Knowing that one man’s work and his eccentricity can live on and inspire others is certainly enough to fuel having faith in the future. 

Plastic Mermaids - Something Better


Devin Farney - My Kind of Person




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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