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Album Reviews

Eduard Banulescu – “Take Me back to Another Time” Review

eduard banulescu take me back blog

Close your eyes and breathe deeply! Try to imagine a time when life was exciting, people were good, and prices were low. Do you see it?

Try to think of a time when heroes were always won, good people got what they deserved, and everyone received the happy ending that they were promised. Do you see it now?

Try and think of a time when only good news came through the television screen, when only great music was broadcast through the radio waves, and when the greatest stars were people we could trust. Can you hear it yet?

Of course, you can’t. Not if you’re honest with yourself, at least. Those are just stories that people cursed with an affliction known as nostalgia tell themselves and whoever will read their Reddit posts.

The past isn’t brave, glorious, or interesting. It’s ghastly! You wouldn’t want to live in any other moment of history unless you know nothing about history.

Eduard Banulescu has the past on the brain. And he’s willing to travel as deep down the rabbit hole as he needs to if that will mean a great reward in the end. He sings to himself on his journey:

“Take me back to another time/ When the garbage smelled like roses and kitchen sink smelled like wine/ I wanna see how it was back then/ I know things were better, but I’m not sure when.”

That’s the chorus of Banulescu’s new single, “Take Me Back to Another Time.” This time, Eduard is ready to finally give nostalgia a shot. It seems to be working so well for other songwriters.

What he finds isn’t worth the price of admission. It isn’t even enough to make him sing the blues. What he finds is enough to help him create a bittersweet, funny punk-rock song.

What does it all boil down? Things may be terrible nowadays, but they are not as bad as they were in the past. Eduard is getting tricked by the nostalgia propaganda! It’s right here, right now, that counts and judging by Banulescu’s vocal delivery, he’s making the best of it.

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