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Alt Reviews

Eldersea and Dope Calypso Reviewed

Eldersea and Dope Calypso Reviewed

Eldersea – Heart’s Reach

Similar artists: Alkaline Trio, Bayside, Saves The Day, Senses Fail, Creeper

Genre: Punk, Post-Hardcore, Pop Punk

It’s hard to avoid taking life seriously sometimes. A lot can be said about how natural comedians move through this world, sure. But managing to let love and heartaches roll off like water down a duck’s back is certainly easier said than done. Modern rock might just still be one of the places where expressing those thoughts freely is not only tolerated but encouraged. 

Maybe this is one of the reasons why we end up asking our favourite rock stars for advice on so many topics. We get confused and start believing that they have the answers for everything. Why, if they’re able to access such wisdom through their songs and reveal their deepest feelings, if they are able to channel so of our deepest fears through their tunes, surely they must also know which car or toaster we ought to buy. 

Eldersea just want to tell you about their life and their loves, and they care if they have to get a bit mushy to do it. After all, the band knows that on “Heart’s Reach”, what they can depend on is a powerful, muscular pop-punk sound that’s heavy on hooks and guitar riffs. Punk-rock is about choosing to cut the crap. That’s maybe how Eldersea learned all the things about love that they don’t fear revealing on “Heart’s Reach.” 

Dope Calypso – I Allways Try To Make You Cry

Similar artists: Middlemist Red, Ricsárdgír

Genre: Punk, Post-Punk, Alternative Rock

The world has never been as technologically advanced or as boring. Naturally, this also spills out into music and influences our enjoyment of rock n’ roll. The fact that AI can write rock songs is a testament to the fact that terrible bores and soulless corporate henchmen are responsible for the majority of recently successful songs. 

Dope Calypso don’t sound like they know exactly where they’re going, but they do know with certainty that they’re not about to take the crowded roads in order to get there. The great weirdos, eccentrics, and misfits came up with the best art. And by golly, using their tactics has to lead to something powerful, original, and worthwhile. 

Dope Calypso’s “I Allways Try To Make You Cry” is Lynchian, bizzaro minimalist punk-rock. It’s an imaginary alternative soundtrack to Twin Peaks and the mystery of Laura Palmer. It’s horror-inspired and has only one hook. Still, when you have something as good as this, there’s simply no need to work harder. We’re convinced! Dope Calypso have something evil brewing, and yes, we’re crazy enough to want to peek in and see what it is. 

Eldersea - Heart's Reach


Dope Calypso - I Allways Try To Make You Cry




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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