BRANLAND – Get Them Alone
Genre: Power Pop, 90s Rock, Alternative Rock
Similar artists: Elliott Smith, The Beatles, Heatmiser, Oasis
The 1990s and subsequent decades have been a time of great redemption for fans of The Beatles. Regardless of their age, prior to the musical trends of the 90s, those obsessed with The Fab Four might have been looked upon with some ridicule. Wasn’t this old music that the world had passed by?
Certainly not! This would be proven by numerous musical tendencies from Oasis to Elliott Smith, from pop singers trying to land a hit to prog-rockers looking to gain an audience for their expansive works. The beautiful melodies, the excellent balance between music and words, and the tenderness and power of The Beatles were all elements that could simply not be sacrificed.
BRANLAND’s Get them alone is a song charged with great emotional depth, but one that is also propelled by the kind of melodies that Paul McCartney may have written. Naturally, the obvious reference point is Elliott Smith, but he too was someone that often covered the Liverpool quartet in live shows. Here, BRANLAND shows appreciation for his predecessors but also lets unique experiences about the fear of the unknown guide the way forward for the song.
Emmalee Rainbow – Trust Fall
Similar artists: HAIM, Amy Winehouse, Best Coast, Liz Phair, U2, Foster the People
Genre: Indie Rock, Alternative Rock
There’s a thin line between wishing for a political revolution and wanting one just for yourself. It’s all about the mirage of a new reality, one that can replace all that has gone before it. Artists are in their rime when they demand more of themselves and when they cannot afford to live off the memories of the past. The greatest artists are almost insulted by someone that wishes to remind them of their achievements. To recognize them is to get stuck in what has already happened, and this is not something that young, productive minds can afford to do.
Living in the present is all very nice. But, it doesn’t allow much space for dreaming of what could happen. It’s only the middle-aged artists, the ones content with playing their greatest hits whenever those are demanded, who are fully content with the present. For everyone else, a desire for change and escape is required. And besides this, trust in figures of authority simply can’t be afforded.
Emmalee Rainbow’s Trust Fall is a song about a personal revolution, a change that is forced upon the singer-songwriter. But, take the words and place them in a different context and could just as well be the song of people across the world demanding their freedom. Musically, the tune straddles the line between 90s DYI rock and expansive arena rock. Take a listen to Emmalee Rainbow’s voice, and you’ll hear the yearning to break free and break away. It’s the dream of all great young artists.
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