1.0.8. – Magical Dave
1.0.8. is an Indie Folk, Post Rock, Alternative Rock band from the United Kingdom. We’ve had the pleasure of reviewing them before. Here’s our take on “Magical Dave”.
1.0.8. must definitely have arrived at a similar point to Ray Davies circa 1964 and declared that there simply was not enough Britishness in popular music. This is one of the groups determined to put it back.
It’s all picnics, musings on life and death, and lemonade in the garden. “Magical Dave” has its charms, a kind of “Arnold Layne” of its time. Is this the start of new Brit-pop?
Waker Glass – Voice Your Suspicions
Southern California duo Waker Glass are inspired by Grunge, Alternative Rock, and a fair deal bit of Psychedelic Rock. Here’s our review of their recent single “Voice Your Suspicions”.
Waker Glass carry with on their Mad Hatter-rockstar personas on their new single “Voice Your Suspicions“. We’ve reviewed Waker Glass before, and our interest in them stems especially from the fact that they can create twisted little rock fantasies.
Musically, this is a bit tamer, with a classic song structure at play and the guitar-drum combo handling the heavy lifting. But, to fans of their innate weirdness, the Southern California duo throws in an outro composed of random noises that seem to call a space ship about to land.
I’ll end this by saying that this is a group that finds good songs easily. There’s no telling where they might end up next.