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How gigmit might just solve your love playing needs


gigmit is an online service that lets concert organizers and music artists interact. Its goal is to create opportunities that would otherwise not exist either for the promoter or for the artist.

The last couple of years have been tough for the live music scene. The circumstances have caused gigmit to become inventive. It now also expertly caters to online live events, beyond regular concerts. It’s helped artists remain, stay in business, and continue to develop their talents.

These are some of the reasons why Alt77 is willing to recommend gigmit to anyone active in the music industry.

What’s the future of live music and what can indie artists do about it?

The real visionaries need to have really strong shoulders. Not only can they look into the future. They see the inevitable hardships and, if they feel strong enough, they have to figure out solutions.

More than a year ago, live concerts were one of the greatest global sources of entertainment. Music festivals raked in colossal sums of money. Big industry players worked to promote them, often at the expense of smaller artists who were left to manage their live music careers with the few resources they had available.

According to Pollstar, just at the beginning of 2020, the live concert industry had raked in nearly $40 billion in concert tickets and sponsorships. Nearly none of the events ever took place. Where does a situation like this leave music artists?

In 2020 and 2021 it left many musicians needing to find solutions to streaming their shows online. For most, it was a novel way of communicating with their audience. This was no longer a quirk. Online shows became an industry standard.

Whether online or with an audience in attendance, artists need help in reaching their public. Those looking to set up live events need help as well. German startup gigmit aims to offer that assistance. In 2020, in 2021, and beyond that, it’s proven a remarkable helping hand.

How does gigmit work?

gigmit is a German startup that is looking to improve the concert industry. It works as a platform that helps artists and concert organizers connect and set up partnerships.

As a musician, I am well aware of the difficulties in finding the right connections in the music industry. These relations, like it or not, determine an artist’s success. This is especially true if, like many musicians, you do not have the luxury of living in a city or artist with a highly developed industry system.

Services like gigmit can be heaven-sent if that’s the case. They narrow the distance between artists and those that can further their careers. They help an artist better showcase their talent. And, it helps with setting up better concerts, something all of us music fans appreciate.

How to apply for gigs on gigmit


gigmit operates on the simple assumption that most musicians would like to play more gigs than they are doing currently and that organizers need help setting their concerts up.

To help with that, gigmit allows musicians to create a profile on their website. The profile acts as a complete PR package. It can include music, images, links to social media profiles.

They can then use these profiles to apply to various festivals and live events. At the moment, many of these take place online. However, the site’s vision is to cater to the artists’ needs when a concert can be held with a live audience.

Furthermore, gigmit acts as a search engine for musicians. When their music is suitable to the requirements of an event organizer, they will contact the artist.

How do promoters benefit from gigmit?

Outside of a lucky few, concert promoters’ livelihoods depend on the success of the next events that they will be able to set up.

Finding the optimal line-up for concerts is essential to their success.

Experienced promoters know that contacting musicians simply based on personal connection or proximity can only get you so far. gigmit allows them to pick and choose artists that are suitable for their events.

It also allows them to communicate and connect. For many, gigmit has been the starting point of long-lasting industry partnerships.

Considering the recent difficulties of the concert industry, simply put, gigmit has allowed those involved to get creative about their industry.

Online concerts, for example, have blossomed. Sites like gigmit are partly responsible for their success.

How much will gigmit cost?

At the moment, gigmit offers both free and premium solutions.

Artists are able to create a free profile. This will give them access to most of the features of the platform.

For a fee of 19 Euro per month, musicians are able to opt for the gigmit Pro package.

It’s an investment worth considering. The platform’s organizers promise that the premium option will help musicians be seen by more industry personnel, including concert bookers and music label executives.

Also, gigmit hopes to become the digital booking tool of promoters. They’re able to register for free at the moment. Numerous international festivals are already registered to gigmit and using their tools.

Getting 20% of gigmit Pro

Speaking personally, I believe that the music scene is supported by independent artists and the live shows and recordings in which they’re involved. This will not change regardless of the times.

This is why Alt77 would like to recommend gigmit. This is a tool that can, realistically, help further your goals as a professional musician.

Use the code ALT77 when you sign up for gigmit and get 20% your fist year of using gigmit Pro.

Will this help? Yes, it very likely will.

At the end of the day, a modern artist’s biggest struggle in building a career is forging the industry connections that will help them. gigmit brings all of these connections in one place!

About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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