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What You Were Doing Before It Started: Hoagie and Slightest Clue Reviewed

Hoagie and Slightest Clue Reviewed

Slightest Clue – Suit Uptight!

Genre: Alternative Rock

The history of big-time movie actors trying to cut it as pop singers is a long one, but you’ll notice that most of the records that they produced are collector’s items. Still, actors are far from the only artists who dream of getting up on a stage and performing (usually singing) in front of paying audiences. It’s an allure that’s easy to understand. 

Many of the best songwriters that music has produced over the last century were just frustrated writers. Many of them never got around to producing the great novel that they always had in them, and most simply didn’t have the energy to try and push their screenplays onto producers. 

Slightest Clue’s “Suit Uptight!” sounds like music made by future writers and movie directors. They have a complex vision for what it is that they want to achieve. Slightest Clue like to incorporate elements of jazz or post-punk, add a bit of theatricality and then give it a great old push. Time will tell if this art form will retain its appeal for the group, but for the time being, it’s, at least, as interesting Robert Mitchum’s calypso record. 

Hoagie – Buncha Bands

Similar artists: Wilco, Dr. Dog, Ben Kweller, Brendan Benson, The Lemonheads

Genre: Alt-Country, Indie Rock, Jangle Pop

Folks put themselves in harm’s way all the time without the ability to explain why. That’s how people get themselves killed while looking for something greater, something to add weight to their existence. It’s shockingly sad the kinds of things that you could make these kinds of people believe. 

Lou Reed once encouraged concert-goers to die for rock n roll. It’ll hurt, the provocateur said, but at least they would have perished for something pretty. Hmm. The truth is that the world may just have enough future CEO go-getters and future military personnel in tip-top physical condition. Not many people do things for themselves or, as Reed said, are willing to sacrifice themselves for something pretty. 

Hoagie’s “Buncha Bands” is an indie-rock art for art’s sake manifesto. Underneath the pleasant vocals and strummed chords, Hoagie is feeling angry but hopeful. Who’s to sacrifice for those pretty things if not himself and others like him? “Buncha Bands” is a memorable little ditty, charming and easy on the ears. 

Slightest Clue - Suit Uptight!


Hoagie - Buncha Bands




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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