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I See Ghøsts – “Goddamn Fine” Reviewed

I See Ghøsts - “Goddamn Fine” Reviewed

Who would’ve thought that rock would become one of the few styles of modern music to talk to you on the level of how things actually are? To say that rock has always been a soundtrack for protest is to narrow its importance. But it’s not completely untrue. 

The fact is that people everywhere have been feeling the strain in recent years. The stats don’t all support our general melancholy, of course. But ask random strangers how hopeful they are of the future, and they’ll glumly shrug their shoulders and walk away. 

I See Ghøsts’ “Goddamn Fine” is not just a diary entry covering these musicians’ personal struggles but feels like a document of the modern world’s challenges. Whereas most pop music left to dominate the charts will encourage you to have shake the blues away and have a good time no matter what, this post-hardcore band would like to help you get in touch with all the things eating away at your happiness. 

Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that the EP is a bore or that it simply encourages victimhood. For one thing, the opener, “Down Here,” blends the forcefulness of a heavy band with choruses that would be the envy of pop acts desperate to grab listeners’ attention as quickly as possible. 

And while the five-song collection spares no details or punches about how the songwriters truly feel, the listening experience is always accompanied by a feeling of catharsis. 

Take, for example, “Underwhelmed,” a confession about feeling suffocated by one’s own actions. The honesty of the lyrics, coupled with the blend of power and melody, make the tune feel like a conversation with an old friend and, by the end, even make this all sound rather hopeful. 

In fact, confronting one’s deepest fears as a way to rid yourself of them is what I See Ghøsts does throughout this EP. “Fairytales” is a dynamic, post-hardcore ballad kind of song about how suffering and toil are inevitable. But the lyrics also talk about being alert to information manipulation in order to enjoy a life built on the truth. 

Meanwhile, “Find Some Peace” contains sparkling guitar chords and the most soulful singing to be found on the entire EP. It’s a strategic move, of course, as I See Ghøsts try their hardest to reassure listeners that things may turn out just fine. In the process, “Find Some Peace” provides the band with its most palatable song.

Where does it all leave us? Surely not picking roses and running happily down a fully bloomed hill in the sweet Spring sunshine. At the time of the departure, the last song of the EP, I See Ghøsts, addresses the things that brought the musicians here in the first place. “Goddamn Fine” is a breakup song, sure. But more than that, it’s a powerful song about facing challenges, taking defeats and somehow finding the strength to move on.  

Things aren’t hunky dory, and you should pretend they are! I See Ghøsts will tell you that even if melancholy and occasional notes of pessimism are not fashionable nowadays. But, in doing that, “Goddamn Fine” also provides a glimpse of sunshine to those who may need it the most. 

About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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