Authority Zero singer Jason DeVore is a man that strongly challenges the stereotype of the lazy rock star. It’s true that his well-liked pop-punk band has just about done it all. They’ve recorded highly rated albums, they’ve had hits, and they still enjoy the unflinching support of fans throughout this world that they’ve toured so often.
Authority Zero’s punk-rock work ethic
However, if your connection to Authority Zero stems from their infectious singles, there’s a good chance that you may have the wrong idea about them. Jason DeVore took a break from working on the band’s merch to sit down for an interview with Alt77. He’s been working on the band since his early teens.
With a new album on the horizon and still possessing a voice that can easily access notes in sky-scraping registers, it’s clear that DeVore has taken the road less travelled, and, in doing so has managed to take good care of the band’s legacy.
Their work ethic is best exemplified by the consistency of their records and their relentless touring. Unlike some of their peers, their enthusiasm for making new music remains intact and is best observed on the group’s latest single, Fire Off Another, one of the catchiest and most politically poignant songs of their entire career.
The interview sees Jason DeVore discuss a wide range of topics. He talks about the difficulty of expressing a political opinion in today’s climate. He also refers to the group’s diverse set of influences. These helped set Authority Zero apart early on and earned them a major label record deal. He talks about his experiences with the record industry and life as an independent band. He even takes the time to answer some silly questions about tips he’d give Miley Cyrus were her to tackle a cover of Revolution.
Yes, Authority Zero have seen and done it all, but have refused to become a legacy act. In 2021 they are battling the enforced lockdown through routine web streams. They are also preparing for a tour that is, of course, as yet unscheduled. Their new singles are strong and the quality of their performances has never subsided. Punk kids usually end up playing in bands or getting a real job. Jason DeVore has ended up doing both.