Flashlight Faces – Hear the Horn
Would-be rockstars, they say, would flock to meet Keth Richards and bid for his attention. Their ultimate goal was to siphon off some of that lizard-like cool of the Human Riff. The only way they figured how to do that, was to party with the man. Most of the people who attempted this ended up dead.
The same kind of fate, I reckon, could befall the ones that look for too much insight into another kind of rock myth, that of the damaged-genius. Sure, the works of Syd Barrett and Roky Erickson contain a special kind of beauty, but I doubt that getting to know the inner workings of these musicians too intimately would do your health much good.
The man behind Flashlight Faces is determined to try. He comes ready with a great poem set to exploratory, 60s sounding instrumentation on Hear the Horn. Yes, we know that there are many who explore this dark pavilion of singer-songwriting madmen and geniuses, but few do it better than can be heard right here.
Lasershark – We Are the Pestilence
Don’t trust anyone over 30 is what the hippies told each other back in the 60s. Seems like they’d identified the root of all that was wrong. Don’t trust those yuppie scumbags, people would tell each other, identifying the greed of the financial sector as the culprits for all that was wrong with the world and within their lives.
Well, there are a lot of other people getting the blame. But, what seems interesting to me is that whenever someone starts wagging their virtue-signaling fingers, they seem to suggest that removing this particular group would most certainly spell a period of peace and prosperity for all. How convenient.
Lasershark don’t believe that for a moment. What are they angry about? Everything. Who’s to blame? Everyone. Yeah, that means you too, and by the likes of the song, they are as well. This post-hardcore gem goes to the heart of the matter. The existence of the human race is a terrible burden to have put the Earth through. We Are the Pestilence is as subtle as someone pissing in your mocha-latte while you’re holding the cup.