Dammit Goldie – Something’s Missing
Genre: Punk, Pop Punk
There’s a stigma about the playing ability of punk musicians. Sure, this may have been partly true back in 1977. But, even that is an exaggeration. Sure, neither Steve Jones nor Mick Jones would have been able to pass an audition to join Frank Zappa’s band. Still, take a listen to any of their live recordings from around that era, and you will notice that they could certainly play.
There are still punk bands satisfied with knowing merely a power chord shape that they can use to write all of their songs. However, for the vast majority, the desire to play and sound better has overcome the comfort of not really having complete control over one’s instrument. There are numerous punk bands that sound as tight on record or live as the famous prog-rockers of the 1970s.
Dammit Goldie’s Something’s Missing is a prime example of just how well modern punk rock music can sound. There are no flashy solos here or a singer desperate to reach the highest notes that only dogs are able to hear. No, instead, the musicians are preoccupied with nuance, tone, and the best ways to create a modern punk song that can sound as good on the radio as inside a dingy venue that specializes in angry live music.
Leif Shively Band – When doves cry (cover)
Genre: Classic Rock, 90s Rock
Similar artists: Pearl Jam, Alterbridge, Stonesour, Alice in Chains, Five finger Death Punch
Comedy pop is an established genre itself. Its stars are the kind of entertainers that earn roles in big-budget movies, get on television, and have their music videos streamed by millions. This, along with stand-up comedy, are two of the biggest trends of the recent decade and have become genuine career paths. Famous comedians get to perform to stadiums filled with people and tour the world, all while making their audience happy. Rockstars might have something to learn from this.
But, it’s not an entirely new phenomenon. Comedy albums have always existed. So has nutty, humorous music. This has often included parodies of famous songs. Yet, the brand of humor to which most of us react has changed. Every generation new generation needs its own brand of humor. And, of course, each new generation has its inside jokes, once that reference pop culture in the way that it’s understood then. This means that a lot of you may know Prince from Dave Chapelle’s sketches. And you may know Chapelle’s sketches from being shown on Netflix.
Leif Shively Band’s cover of When doves cry isn’t just a reinterpretation of the 1980s single but also of Prince as a character. You see, the idea of Prince playing basketball in his platform shoes was so gloriously ridiculous considering his reputation as an egocentric entertainer that it has created its own myth. Shively’s video brilliantly spoofs and pays homage to Prince and Chapelle. Musically, this is a demonstration of just how far modern hard rock can stretch. It’s true that the tune doesn’t quite swing, but it sure packs a punch and goes a long way to prove the competency of Leif Shively Band’s playing.