Love Ghost – PUNXX
Modern mainstream music is really missing some ambitious personalities. It’s also missing some true fuck-ups what with all the PC-approved, don’t break your wrist trying too hard rockstars. Love Ghost might be both. And, although for all intents and purposes, they are an alternative music crew per 2020’s definition of the term, they shouldn’t be kept away from the mainstream for too long.
Regardless of your thoughts on trap, Tik Tok styled antics, and modern music production, you have to give in to Love Ghost’s attempts to showcase the larger than life personalities of the band members.
PUNXX is as good a representation of the unit as we’re bound to get. It displays the group’s humour, swagger, and desire to remain an irritating musical presence. It’s a tune that mixes modern hip hop with hard rock stylings, over a music video to which many, especially those sharing Love Ghost’s age group, will react positively.
St. Terrible – An Endless Fiction
An Endless Fiction is a bratty, remarkable piece of art. The instantly gripping short film that is married to St. Terrible’s single is a jittery, danceable, frightening affair dealing with the inner-workings of the many suffering silently from the effects of mental illness.
It’s a pressing issue that is still stigmatized in societies across the world. And, since pop music strives to be the filtered mirror of society, it’s not an issue that often gets brought up in song and other forms of modern entertainment. Still, the WHO estimates that more than 450 million people worldwide suffer from various forms of mental illness and that the numbers are ever rising.
The song is just engaging as the video with singing that prioritizes emotional, confessional singing delivered with the intensity of someone affected by the whole despair and beauty of the world all at once. It’s almost like hearing a Van Morrison live track with the instrumental part erased and replaced with the folk drumming we find here.
St. Terrible is terrific indie-pop with plenty of weight behind those well put-together sounds.