Getting to record your musical debut is a lot like being summoned off the beach to take part in the Olympics. This is no time to get cold feet, overthink matters, or even add extra training. It’s an opportunity to show yourself to the world for all that you are. What happens, happens.
On her debut, Lucky Lou goes back into the past, examines it thoroughly, and allows herself to see just how much of the hopeful nights and the broken-hearted mornings played into what she became. It’s a debut meant to define her as an artist for all those concerned.

It’s a collection of songs of its time, tunes inspired by modern pop stars, and given the production treatment required to give this the best fighting chance commercially.
The EP’s opener, “Leave Me Alone,” features gently whispered words about the cruelty of typical love affairs but then blasts into a dance beat that almost recalls 90s Europop.
And, indeed, evenings spent weeping on a dancefloor seem to be the thing that ties this record together. “Space” is a denunciation against the promises that lovers make but don’t follow through on. It features Lucky Lou’s best lyrics of the entire EP.
The great romantic poets will tell you that love is a beautiful, unavoidable trap for many that leads to their downfall. Lucky Lou has found the same herself. Songs like “Thoughts,” a ballad sung over a booming but subdued bass line, or “Tears” flow like Byronian lines about this delicious despair. “In secret we meet/In silence I grieve.”
Finally, what’s it all about? And, as Rob Gordon might ask, did the music come before the misery? Closer “C’est la Vie” doesn’t promise to deliver answers but some sort of acceptance. Lucky Lou assures us that once things inevitably fall apart, she will “find another reason to go on.” Love ain’t much, but it’s usually everything!
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