Nate Parrish – Life in Dissonance
Genre: Punk, Pop Punk
Similar artists: Social Distortion, Face to Face, Hot Water Music
Lives are so easily destroyed. For some, it happens in the blink of an eye. Others are destroyed piece by piece, day by day. There are numerous soul healers out there. They advertise their tremendous results. Most of them are fakes. None of them are universal.
With that in mind, we should all treasure the things in life that help us keep going. Punk-rock is one of those conduits to a pure, and true life force. Punk as educated many people, it’s kept them healthy, and angry enough to question their surroundings.
Nate Parrish sounds as if he has built under the healing influence of punk-rock for much of his time on Earth, and he’s bringing some of that hopefulness to Life in Dissonance. This is a tune that is direct as it can be. It’s the anger that helps the faith begin and end the tune. Nate Parrish a punk purist.
Maintenance – C l a r i t y
Genre: Screamo / Post-Hardcore
Similar artists: Deftones, Counterparts
For all the freedoms that people supposedly enjoy in the Western world, you will find little understanding in screaming while propelling yourself onto the floor. Of course, that only applies to adults. People tend to look at children doing the same thing with a bit more understanding.
You have to face it. The world doesn’t care about what you think, especially if what you think is likely to make the people in the world sad, afraid, and confused. The world wants to hear and see that everything is alright. You will contribute to this message by wearing a suit, gesturing politely, and asking for your turn. Nobody wants to hear you scream.
Nobody that is except for your fans if you happen to be a member of a post-hardcore band.
Maintenance’s C l a r i t y is your permission to scream and stomp on the floor as much as you want. It’s in fact a healthy therapeutic method, although it will not help get you promoted. Maintenance come from the old school where playing live shows simply wasn’t good enough if it didn’t involve a few busted noses and broken toes.