Gim Kordon – Betoni kukkii
You may accuse me of having a strange bias, but I approach any music made in Finland with trepidation. What horrible opera singer musing about wizard and demons are they going to unleash this time? What half-witted rhythmically-deficient drummer do they have lined-up?
Fortunately, not all Finns prefer the excruciating fairytales of power-metal. Some are cool! Possibly, knowing this, the group in question opted to name themselves after one of the coolest characters in rock music, Sonic Youth’s Kim Gordon, but switch around a couple of letters for fear of legal retribution.
Betoni kukkii which Google translate assures me translates as “Concrete blooms” is a deranged psych-rock jam. Guitar noises swell and explode while the rhythm section keeps the Brit-rock nightmare sounds in check. It’s music, as depicted in the video, made in a tight, dark basement and utterly compelling.
Something tells me that this trio ain’t getting invited to Nightwish’s weekly Dungeons and Dragons session.
Matt BB – Ikebukuro Nights
Matt BB is a very creative man judging by the biography his people have provided. And, just like new songwriters brimming with ideas, the Vancouver native, has likely struggled to settle on a direction for his debut album. After having heard more of his music, trust me, there’s a lot going on!
The artist takes on different guises, all representing various places, or inspired by musicians with whom he shares an affinity. Ikebukuro Nights, for example, is Matt doing an early David Bowie while affectionately recalling Tokyo’s party district.
Musically, there’s something that harkens back to the jubilant sound of 1960s British rock groups. Ikebukuro Nights is very likely to find itself an audience among the last of the true romantics of the world.