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Alt Reviews

Mike B & the Universe and Famous Friend Reviewed

Mike B & the Universe and Famous Friend Reviewed

Mike B & the Universe – The Alamo

Do you talk all the way through listening to your favourite song? Do you call people on the phone and have full conversations while watching a great movie? And, I bet you don’t think about your grocery list in the moments when you’re telling somebody who is special to you about how you really feel. The fact is that for most of the really important events in one’s life, the mind becomes attentive to only one thing. 

Most people recognise this, and a few of them do something about it. A lot of the overachievers of the world will profess to some kind of meditation technique or spiritual rituals. Others, sadly, become overcome with anxiety and turn to different chemical relief medicines. It ain’t easy, and in the game of mind quieting, everyone tries to get an advantage. 

You may find it hard to keep up a conversation, have dinner, or scroll through the news while simultaneously listening to Mike B & the Universe’s “The Alamo.” But that’s not because the song is loud, overpowering, or delivering information that you shouldn’t know already. Quiet the opposite. Conceptually and in terms of sounds, Mike B & the Universe are dealing with reconnection with oneself and with the world. That can only happen in tranquillity, and the music here provides that. 

Famous Friend – Carmen San Diego

The mind works in mysterious and perverse ways. Turns out that melancholy is not just a thing that we indulge in on rainy Sunday afternoons but something that the brain craves. Numerous separate studies show that feelings of melancholy and nostalgia actually, in the long run, help to regulate our mood and even make us optimistic for the future. 

Before you force yourself to cry in the bathroom for half an hour with hopes that this might improve your mood and work ethic, know that the quality of the things triggering these feelings is also important. Pulling the lever on that part of the psyche is bound to force a powerful connection with the thing stirring up the emotion. With that in mind, choose something that is worth your while!

Famous Friend is not just trying to pull at the heartstrings in order to pull at your wallet but venturing down this path in the same way that a researcher would. “Carmen San Diego” might make you think of your childhood days and help you remember times filled with joy and lack of responsibility. But The Smiths-flavored sound is designed almost as medicine by a songwriter convinced by the potential of nostalgia. And, if all of that makes you want to have that cry in the bathroom, just make sure you do it quickly. 

Mike B & the Universe - The Alamo


Famous Friend - Carmen San Diego




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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