LKFFCT – Shake me out of the dream
Similar artists: Jeff Rosenstock, PUP, Joyce Manor
Genre: Pop Punk, Alternative Rock
It’s really hard to ever be as loose and nimble as LKFFCT do on their most recent single, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Yes, we are often bombarded with unrealistic goals from our entertainment sources. Seems that everyone we are shown is in better shape, more financially successful, or has more energy and a better outlook on life.
Yes, some of those can easily turn into issues. If you want to look like a professional athlete, you may be disappointed not to reach that goal unless you take PEDs. If you want as much money as a tech CEO, chances are that you won’t ever feel fulfilled no matter how well you do in life until your rich grandfather leaves you a tremendous inheritance.
LKFFCT’s energy is infectious even when life has them facing up to disappointment. “Shake me out of the dream” has the vibe of a children’s cartoon intro. Its pace is like that of an over-excited dog running at full speed in the yard after just being fed. Yes, this is a sunny pop-punk tune with a few dark clouds waiting on the horizon. But it’s hard not to befriend LKFFCT after just hearing them once.
Modern Shakes – Ask the Dust
Similar artists: The Lawrence Arms, Banner Pilot, Leatherface, Hot Water Music, Samiam
Genre: Skate Punk, Punk, Pop Punk
How important is it to look cool while trying to be a rockstar? Arguably, there’s never been a better time to look detached and unapproachable when having your picture taken for an album cover. Like a 90s supermodel bored of fame and riches, modern would-be rockstars have mastered the art of the pout. And, in doing so, they’ve sent a powerful message to their fans.
Being a rockstar is not about being earnest anymore or about representing a group of people. It’s a game in which the objective is to crack the code of making pop hits which will assist in getting rich and famous. That sounds like a lot of fun. But only for the people on stage. That approach leaves audiences with a whole lot of expensive nothing.
Modern Shakes’ objective on “Ask the Dust” seems to be that of sounding like a group on the cusp of a great triumph, of a terrible disaster. Either way, this is not music played with a limp wrist or without risking anything. It’s earnest suburban punk rock made for and by kids who worked Summer jobs, learned how to repair a car, and brought a workmanlike attitude to the idea of forming a band.