The Monochrome Midnight Traveller project looks to entice and occasionally overload an audience’s senses for the purpose of helping them remember soul-stirring moments in minute detail. In this respect, the “Reality Spaces” EP succeeds in achieving its goal.
Any dreamer, traveller, or lover of the world has experienced some of their greatest moments on this planet while trotting through endless streets. There’s poetry about a city or village engulfed by silence. But it’s a kind of magic that’s not just hard to receive. It’s much different to translate these emotions to others.
The task is not an easy one, but Monochrome Midnight Traveller rises to the challenge with an audio-visual experience meant to jiggle one’s memory back in place.
The two audio-visual pieces included in this EP act as a kind of bombardment of emotionally charged photography. Musically, this is the soundtrack to a long walk through the city at night.
There’s a whole other life going on through the city in the nocturnal hours. The aptly titled “Midnight tripping out bass music” looks to capture some of these secrets, distil them into an understandable form and serve them back to audiences.
But this is not only an artistic exercise. These sounds are meant to serve a practical purpose. “Midnight spacing out bass music” includes sounds designed to calm the listeners’ nerves and chaperone them through their travels.
It’s hard to express transcendent moments. Art, especially when it involves a healthy dose of experimentation, comes closest to it. The Monochrome Midnight Traveller attempt to do this with their newest work, “Reality Spaces.”
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