Modern Natives – Don’t Count Me
Genre: Post-Punk, Post-Hardcore, Alternative Rock
Modern Natives’ greatest skill is that even though they are a newish band, they know not to leave anything off the table. After all, who knows if any of us will get another day like this again?
We might be living through the New Golden Age of Independent Music and not even know it. Blame it all on managers and lawyers, or lack thereof. If you’ve enjoyed reading your rock biographies, now obligatory material for all stars past the age of 40, you know nothing ever got done without the hired business hand.
Well, well, as it turns out, when it comes to maximizing money, those folks in their white ties might know what they’re talking about. Whoever manages Motley Crue, after all, is clearly far more intelligent than the people being shoved on stage.
But don’t discount the importance of independence when it comes packed with genuine excitement. Modern Natives’ “Don’t Count Me” is a journey through alt-rock’s history played with the kind of excitement of musicians who might only get one shot to make their music. Their vision may not be fully formed yet, but they play with the conviction of someone trying to win over a crowd at any expense. You can’t ask much more from rock n’ roll.
Neverless – Goin’ Loco
Genre: Punk, Post-Hardcore
Artists and masochists are the only two kinds of people who have any reason to enjoy tragedy or being forced to be tested by life. The fact of the matter is that most people use their wits and skills to avoid such tests. For them, any such event weighs heavily on the mind, body and future chance for success.
Artists, like masochists, however, know that, provided they don’t actually perish, they’ll get something in return for their hardships. Perhaps a song will originate from it, a novel, a painting, or, at the very least, a funny story to tell to a stranger in exchange for a beer.
Neverless’ “Goin’ Loco” sounds like the work of musicians who, like seasoned yoga practitioners, have become accustomed to pain. The band invests heavily in polished melodies that come attached to some mighty heavy emotional baggage. This is emo-punk that must be played and heard while wearing a smile.