The Polpettas – That’s Amore
Hearing punk-bands rip apart old classic seems like a trend that should have died a long time ago. But, for some, myself included, the humour of the joke never fails to land, nor does punk rock ever fail to raise my spirit and get me through the day.
The trouble and also the reason why these kinds of covers work are that A. Drunk punks, myself included again, love to hear classic tunes played loud, fast, like a drunken wedding band trying to get fired, and B. Because usually the classic tunes, even the sappy ones, are better than what the bands performing the cover are going to come up with.
The Polpettas opt to do things a bit differently here as they cover That’s Amore. But, the result is, as you might hope, the same. Their reinterpretation of the Don Martin staple makes you want to yearn for the days of house parties and late nights at the local club making a return.
Sugar Fïtz – You Should Have Seen His Apartment
Rock n’ roll used to be all about subverting expectations, lowering expectations, and blowing apart expectations. Now, the little that is allowed to enter the mainstream landscape is all about meeting the desires and deadlines of corporate financiers.
First I look at the purse and Bad, bad boy are blues-rock staples featuring cheeky lyrics about men allocating their affection to female companions capable of paying for their trouble. Those are silly, great songs. And, like most things silly or that seem to suggest doing something forbidden, are cheered on by fans, mostly male.
It seems only fitting, perhaps even overdue, that Sugar Fïtz would write the same kind of song from a female perspective. In You Should Have Seen His Apartment, the two singers find themselves overworked, underpaid, and, generally, disgusted by their suitor. But, hey, opportunity doesn’t always knock twice.
Musically, this is a mix of glammy electro-pop courtesy of well-versed songwriters with a sense of humor and an ear for a pop hook.