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Alt Reviews

Nicolai Dunger and Ames Harding & the Mirage Reviewed

Nicolai Dunger and Ames Harding & the Mirage Reviewed

Nicolai Dunger – To Be Tough

Similar artists: Van Morrison, Calexico, John Craigie, Rufus Wainwright

Genre: Americana

The future of music may well sound very retro. But don’t stop and worry about that. It’s always been this way. Ever since Bob Dylan or Van Morrison stopped appealing mainly to teenagers, record companies have sought to replace them. Don’t think that they’re doing it out of a desire to keep music pure and true. More than anything, it’s a desire to fulfil the public’s expectations. 

By now, we’re talking about a great tradition that involves rootsy pop-rock music blended with poetry. It’s music for travellers, for seekers, and for healing a wounded soul. And because so much is asked of it, the musicians who venture out into this world must come equipped with their own desire to seek and find their own wounded souls. 

It’s hard to imagine that Nicolai Dunger’s “To Be Tough” won’t appeal to fans of classic folk-rock. It sounds almost like Calexico is having another go at covering Bob Dylan. The singing and the instrumental are world-weary, beaten up, and troubled. But rest assured. There’s redemption further up the road. The closing moments of the song are meant to raise your spirit and, if you’re in the right disposition, even offer some of that elusive healing. 

Ames Harding & the Mirage – The Governor’s Dead

Similar artists: Manu Chao, Paul Simon, The Beatles, Vampire Weekend

Genre: Indie Pop

Write one truly memorable pop song, and you will have improved the planet more than the vast majority of us. But are pop songs really put together in a recording studio? Are great novels written at the writing table? And don’t get me started on hot dog-eating contests, either. 

By now, everyone knows that you need to learn to steal like an artist before dreaming of becoming one. But where do you learn when it’s worth digging into someone’s pockets? Most would-be artists don’t travel much, don’t learn how to envy others’ work, and, frankly, don’t develop the intelligence to dispossess others of their works gracefully. The ones who put themselves through all of this eventually fall upon the pop song that enriches the world. 

There’s no mistaking that Ames Harding & the Mirage are wearing their influences on their sleeve on “The Governor’s Dead,” a tune that sounds like Paul Simon trying to hide out from Art Garfunkel in the Guatemalan jungles while obsessing over Garcia Marquez. But like a Latin desayuno, this one is easy on the stomach. “The Governor’s Dead is quirky, easily written, and easy to hear and might make quite an impression on your playlist. 

Nicolai Dunger - To Be Tough


Ames Harding & the Mirage - The Governor’s Dead




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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