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Kicks: OVTLIER and Occupants reviewed

OVTLIER and Occupants reviewed

Occupants – Disappointment Enthusiast

Genre: Punk

Similar artists: FFO Amp Fight, Drug Church, Title Fight

Choosing to declare yourself the fan of a music genre, spending money on the artists that you love, telling others about it, are a political gesture, make no mistake about it. Not choosing anything is much the same. Did the Buddha ever think he’d inspire a global movement while sitting around and eating chips all day? 

Like it or not, but this is the way that the world works. Various issues, philosophies, ways of living life need to be promoted in order to garner appreciation. Modern music remains one of the best ways to do this. 

There’s no way not to choose some sort of political cause. Some are just less attractive, while the majority of the more aggressive ones are downright poisonous. When it comes to the world of modern music, considering every group busying themselves with trying to create a pop record while using silly modern trends, just like Wingnut Dishwashers Union’s song, we stand with every three-chord punk band. Honesty is a prized commodity in modern music. 

The Occupants are a new punk group. Disappointment Enthusiast is their single. They sound like folks raised on the right sonic properties of modern punk. They play loud, angry garage rock. Their riffs bring to mind ’90s grunge, as does the tinge of disappointment in their lyrics. They seem to be making music for the folks that would find it hard to get out of bed without it. Because of all of that we stand with all new punk bands, especially a group like Occupants. 

OVTLIER – All I Need

Progressive Metal / Djent, Melodic Metal, Hard Rock

How the hell does he make his guitar sound that way?“. This is, probably, what Eric Clapton and loads of other guitarists were thinking as they trembled watching Jimi Hendrix dazzle London audiences. The thing that he was playing certainly looked like your ordinary six-string but produced the kind of sounds you might associate with military equipment. 

Maybe, part of the trick in keeping people interested in this wonderful invention called the electric guitar is to make it sound like anything other than its more modest, timid acoustic cousin. Like aeroplanes taking off, like robots having sex, like hellish screams from within the depths of the world. 

It’s all part of rock’s evolution. U.S. metal band OVTLIER embraces it with their sound on All I need. Here, their detuned guitars resemble old UFO-movie sound effects. It’s all a bit chilling which suits the lyrics of the tune just fine. This is a song about refusing to make the mistakes of your predecessors for the purpose of stubbornly creating your own mistakes. There’s great pathos in the singing and a sound of a band determined to grab you, throw you over the shoulder and go flying away into the night. 

Occupants - Disappointment Enthusiast


OVTLIER - All I Need




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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