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Alt Reviews

Reasons to wear a hardhat: Poptones and Sun Dawgs reviewed

Poptones and Sun Dawgs reviewed

Sun Dawgs – Blissed

Genre: Punk, Surf Rock, Psychedelic Rock

Similar artists: Wavves, Ty Segal, White Reaper, Bass Drum of Death

If you were fortunate to be born into a nice family, and in one of the countries that are not exposed to poverty, war, and constant suffering, you should consider yourself lucky. That is only natural. But, while the future might seem drawn out for you in bright colors, there is one thing that threatens the quality of your existence from the first moments that you enter adulthood. 

That thing is boredom. As we speak it is eating at your soul, carving away at your personality and, likely, making you a person that’s not very good company. From the moment that your childhood freedom of running around, shouting, or climbing trees is taken away, you are never the same. Some accept their fate with resignation, others fight back. 

The one way that Sun Dawgs found to fight against boredom is by starting a surf-punk band. It may or may not make them rich, but, at the very least, if they are really lucky it will help them avoid getting the uberdull, but well-paid jobs, in large office buildings. It’s hard for a regular adult to entertain themselves, but if loud guitars or monster trucks do nothing for you, I would suggest seeking professional help. 

Poptones – Climb Inside

Genre: Grunge, Post Rock, Alternative Rock

Similar artists: Black Midi, Crack Cloud, Swans, Slint

Pop music, under its different guises, survives because it is the perfect companion. No other art form is as concise or deals with human emotion in the same way. It is the condensed form of a Wagnerian opera and the expanded form of a fortune cookie message. And, unlike what you may have heard, it is rarely focused on escapism. 

The fact is that modern people don’t love hearing about each other’s problems. Take your greatest friendship and subject it to cries, moans, and complaints, and however close that person was to you, they will pretend that they’ve never met you. But, music will never disappoint you in the same way. 

Anxiety is an issue that chokes the life out of otherwise healthy individuals. It’s kind of a big deal and if soundtracked deserves the kind of sounds that reflect its gravity. Poptones’ Climb Inside is artsy guitar music that, ideally, makes you feel like seven heavy barbells and a poodle have been dropped on your chest. Don’t worry! It’s supposed to make you feel this way. The obtuse and uninviting sounds are reconstructed from memory. And, in doing this, they may well end up helping a lot of people that need to know that their issues are important. Here’s your friend that doesn’t mind complaining. 

Sun Dawgs - Blissed


Poptones - Climb Inside




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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