The Sugar Busch – Quit Comparing Love to Quantum Entanglement, You Ignorant Sloot
The world of rock singles is a bloody brawl in which participants strive to edge out their opponents by any means necessary. A title like the one belonging to this single by The Sugar Busch is bound to get them noticed and likely to cause people to form an opinion even before they’ve heard a single note.
If that’s the case, rest assured they’re neither as arrogant nor as clever as the title Quit Comparing Love to Quantum Entanglement, You Ignorant Sloot might suggest. They’re psych-rock weirdos nurturing an affection for 1960s melodies and bright colour palettes (as can be observed from the artwork) and for the smartass cynicism of 90s indie rock.
Psych-rock groups, what with their various farmaceutical interests, are not the best people to deal with matters of time. The song clocks in at over 13 minutes. This is not necessarily out of a desire to share all the wisdom the band members have accumulated over the years with the world, but rather to play some awesome solos for as long as they can stretch them.
Overall though, this is a lovely, ambitious, slightly sloppy psychedelic-rock epic. One word of advice, though. If you find yourself at a party with The Sugar Busch, you might want to avoid drinking from the same glass as the band members.
Visit – Last Song
I did try reading Gravity’s Rainbow a few times. I’m not sure how far I got through Thomas Pynchon’s classic. I do remember feeling like I’d never read English that sounded so much like a foreign language. And, I wasn’t so much disappointed with myself for failing to understand this postmodernist leviathan of a novel. I was mostly sad that I couldn’t brag to people about having read it.
Tyler Burba, the man behind Visit, has read and enjoyed the book. He dedicates the lovely, cheerless Last Song to Thomas Pynchon, using his words as the basis for the lyrics. Through the form of music, it ends up sounding remarkably like something Bob Dylan might have written during one of the many periods in which he busied himself with shaking off fans that were not true believers in his work.
Last Song sounds like the tune they play over the closing credits to a documentary about how Earth ended. It’s tragic and beautiful. And, slender as it is, this indie-folk tune, seems to capture the entire humor and the misery of the world.