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Alt Reviews

The City Loves Me: Precocious Neophyte and Vicious Fishes Reviewed

Precocious Neophyte and Vicious Fishes Reviewed

Vicious Fishes – Don’t Forget Me

Similar artists: Pixies, Television, The Modern Lovers

Genre: Garage Rock

Vicious Fishes are on the road to guitar-pop glory. But by the sounds of it, they’ve already found out it could be a bumpy ride. 

The world of pop hits seems like an easy one to figure out. You just have to learn to play the guitar, sing and write the kind of simple, three-chord-based songs that a lot of people want to hear. Then you’ll get on magazine covers, and on television, and people will appreciate you and will want to make you rich. It seems so simple.

There are two major problems with what could otherwise have been foolproof. First of all, there are few bands that manage to crack the alchemy involved in writing one of those simple, great guitar songs. 

The second problem is that the few who were equipped with all the qualities necessary to pull off such a heist ended up miserable. From Big Star to Material Issue to Vicious Fishes’s heroes, Pixies, the road to pop stardom hasn’t all been what it’s cracked up to be for these upstairs. 

Vicious Fishes have many of the qualities required to write quirky, memorable guitar pop tunes. But there’s already a mysterious gloom hanging over the band. “Don’t Forget Me’ might be a strong proof of concept. The band could well have what it takes. But are they ready for what comes next?

Precocious Neophyte – My Electronic Idol

Genre: Shoegaze, Dream Pop

Back in the world’s overflood cities, there are sounds that beg for your attention coming out every car window, office building and lonely supermarket aisle. But in the same city, there are sounds rising up from the ground like a murmur, less concerned with the attention of many but rather with the affection of a select few. 

The first kind of music is assembled daily by skilled workers. They are passionate and know how to make kits. They’re used to pressing buttons that correspond to people’s feelings. 

The latter is made by dreamers whose visions are being squeezed out by the cities. They make their music in underground rehearsal halls, and their tunes reflect the secret breath of the city. 

Precocious Neophyte’s “My Electronic Idol” is the sound of the unacknowledged urban decay through which most of us are living. It’s a murmured love song to a present that, to these South Korean musicians, presents itself both as reality and as fantasy. 

“My Electronic Idol” is built off a strong foundation of shimmering, distorted guitars and sweetly whispered vocals. It’s a song that entertains the idea that there’s a mystery big enough hidden by the urban landscapes to warrant its own soundtrack. 

Vicious Fishes - Don't Forget Me


Precocious Neophyte - My Electronic Idol




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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