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Alt Reviews

Ghostly: Radiate and Alpha Pet reviewed

Radiate and Alpha Pet reviewed

Alpha Pet – Too Fast

Genre: Post-Punk, Psychedelic Rock, Alternative Rock

Similar artists: Killing Joke, Joy Division, Reeperbahn, The Clash, Viagra Boys, IDLES, The Fall, Talking Heads

I’ve been living in Sweden for the past few months. Don’t worry, I’m moving at the first sight of snow. I am convinced, however, that this proud Nordic country has just the right ingredients to breed powerful, moving music. 

People always talk about an artist needing to suffer for their work and of the requirement that they be odd and incompatible with regular life. Well, being Swedish certainly gives you a foot up in this department. 

It’s not just the endless winter nights, the fact that eye contact is a sin punishable by death here, or the fact that alcohol purchase resembles going to a doctor for a prescription of pornography. This is a land of rich people with plenty of hangups that society dictates that they must keep hidden. It’s the ideal set of ingredients for a thriving music scene. 

Alpha Pet’s Too Fast draws on the claustrophobic nature of life in this Scandinavian country and adds another of the hallmarks of this area, namely an ear for strong melodies. It’s a slow, aching march through the glories of socialism, through the pain of being so modern and successful. Alpha Pet do it well. 

Leaching – Radiate

Genre: Post-Punk, Gothic / Dark Wave

Similar artists: The Cure, Joy Division, New Order, John Carpenter, Rowland S Howard, Broadcast, David Lynch

Life is not fair and often doesn’t deliver the right kind of gifts to the people who would really find a smart way of using them. It leaves a lot of people feeling anxious, angry, and wishing for something else. 

Rock music, and the performative arts, have always suggested that something better could be had. All that was required was an entire rearrangement of one’s personality and appearance for the duration of being on stage. 

The bands that followed up the initial wave of punk groups, particularly, felt a kinship with this philosophy. Finally, the world of entertainment wasn’t restricted to blonde girls and guys who looked like they could strangle a crocodile. 

Leaching’s Radiate finds just the right balance between strutting, talking about the end of the world, and delivering thick walls of post-punk noise. It’s a sound that finds inspiration from the likes of the great Rowland S. Howard. Its music fit to soundtrack artsy horror movies. And, it sounds like it is music that’s given the members of Leaching a great sense of purpose. 

Alpha Pet - Too Fast


Leaching - Radiate




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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