Radio Riot – Go Jimmie
If you’re fully grown, you’re unlikely to become a pro athlete or a certified priest. You should have started earlier on your dreams, I guess. And, to be truthful, even then, it’s likely they wouldn’t have come true. All the kids want to become priests and athletes.
And if you’re addicted to the news cycle, you’re bound to feel even more powerless. The world’s going to hell in a handbasket. And it’s not just old people saying it. It’s the polls saying it. Moronic, proto-fascists have been sweeping free elections across the world.
But you always have punk rock if you should choose to lean on it. Sure, it doesn’t promise to erase all problems. But it will tackle them, and you’re invited to join if you want. Everyone is.
Some proto-fascists get shot by poets as they hold speeches in Slovakia. Others are executed in punk-rock songs. Radio Riot choose the more subtle approach for “Go Jimmie,” a punk-rock rallying cry against extremism. It has energy, heart and a singalong chorus. Besides, unlike most things these days, everyone is invited.
Yearning for Distortion – Mobile Home
Some people are born into nobility, and some just learn to act as if they were. Of these two types of people, it’s usually the latter category that gets closest to greatness and has an incentive to be part of wonderful things.
Sweden and the Nordic countries have tremendously evolved in lots of ways. But they did not invent punk-rock, nor was the blues first sung here. Disco came by on a boat through records. And the EDM DJs were inspired by their heroes in England the U.K.
But the Swedes act as if they invented dirty, guitar-powered rock music. And they might as well have. What started as a flattering imitation has developed into a thriving music scene. If there’s one place where rock is alive, well, and sporting a Mallorca-earned tan, it’s… in Northern Europe.
Swedish rock is building a tradition as we speak. Yearning for Distortion want to be part of it and use their single “Mobile Home” as their application. The band is in love with classic New York punks and retro European metal. Their hearts are in the right place, and so are their priorities.