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Alt Reviews

Rubberband Girl and Clash Valian Reviewed

Rubberband Girl and Clash Valian Reviewed

Rubberband Girl – Taller

Genre: Indie Folk, Folk rock, Alt Pop

We should start missing being bored. Great things spring out of it. All the great artists started out by being royally bored, by being so sick of the tedious world around them that they needed to create their own. And, once they did, they got hooked. When asked why they did what they did, the vast majority of great artists will tell interviewers that they were merely playing around. (Sure, exceptions like Andy Warhol, who was working toward building a fortune, exist as well, particularly in the world of visual art). 

But new generations won’t need to face boredom ever again. Not unless they make an eccentric decision that their friends will label as crazy. Not unless they venture out into the wild and camp out on top of a mountain, lock themselves up in a monastery, or delete their social media channels. The fact is that the things that we have making our lives better, all of those devices also exist to keep us entertained at all times. That ain’t good for art. 

Rubberband Girl’s “Taller” comes from a place of innocence, from a Peter Pan-like dream about not wanting to grow up. The singer isn’t the first artist to tackle this theme. But now, more than ever, it is one that every creative person must consider. What are you doing it for? In the case of Rubberband Girl, the answer is simple – so that the world is kept as it should be, as a dream. 

Clash Valian – Cashed

Similar artists: Johnny Cash, Leonard Cohen, Kurt Vile, Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys, Gene Autry

Genre: Americana, Alt Country

The sad thing is that people who are ambitious tend to want the best for themselves, and people who don’t possess any self-preservation instinct tend to lack ambition entirely. This makes the world incredibly predictable and the people in it very boring. The world of pop stars is nothing but a reflection of that. The pop stars who can attain chart success will only want to bore the people that they talk with about how many units they’ve sold. And the anti-pop stars, the artists who have a story to tell but who are also drowning in a mystery of their own making, won’t ever find the time to write about it. 

We forget too easily that some of the greatest musical artists, some of those who influenced others the most, fought hard against their own success. And many of them succeeded. Folks like Townes van Zandt, Roky Erickson, or The Sex Pistols thought they couldn’t have a long-lasting career in music. And they were right. It was just that their songs were simply too good to ignore. 

Clash Valian’s “Cashed” sounds like the work of a man who has done everything to mess things up for themselves and who’s amused and pleased with the results of their action. It’s the kind of country-folk song that someone might hum to themselves on the way to the gallows. But it’s terribly funny, too. It contains the kind of humor that most of us hope to have when things truly go badly. But, secretly, we know that we won’t. 

Rubberband Girl - Taller


Clash Valian - Cashed




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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