Sean Tobin – St. Patrick’s Day Forever
Having faith, I suppose, is all about acting. It takes a whole of pretending to convince your brain that things are bound to be alright when you’ve nearly hit rock bottom. Now, I wholeheartedly am convinced that the recent health crisis is nowhere near rock bottom as far as humanity is concerned, but it has certainly been a time of trials and tribulations. We all made the best of what we could, indulging in whatever habits promised to keep semi-sane and afloat the longest.
The song that we’re reviewing functions both as a rocking party number, designed to prep up our spirits, but also as a joke. Since Sean Tobin is telling the joke, I feel that I’m not doing any disservice by relating it back to you. Here it goes. What does an Irish call an endless pandemic? St. Patrick’s Day Forever.
This is, if you think about it, rather amazing in the time and age that we live in. It’s of the only bad stereotypes that people are allowed to celebrate regardless of whether they are of Irish descent or not.
The song itself is a Dropkick Murphy’s clobbering over the head. I admit it. I love this kind of music. It’s tough, resilient, gets you out of bed, and doesn’t make you feel bad for enjoying a drink. With that being said, considering that rock stars locked away during the pandemic tend to make for great alcoholics and, if you’ve watched the news, you’ll know that they’re dropping like flies, let me write words I’ve never uttered in real life: Drink responsibly!
Scoobert Doobert – Can’t Imagine Feeling Better
Damn it! The existentialist-loving friends of the website are bound to feel sick to their stomachs at what I’m about to write, but here it goes. Looking back on life so far, a lot of it has been built on confusion, sadness, and anger. However, for the most part, all of these moments feel worthwhile because of the occasional flashes of blissed-out hopefulness that happen for no reason.
Now, the music industry knows this and tries to sell us back these feelings like somewhat peddling fresh cookies to weight-watchers. Few pop songs are honest or provide a perspective torn from actual experience. Still, perhaps more than any other art form, sometimes great songs are the best way to express these brief incidents of joy for joy’s sake.
Scoobert Doobert certainly understands this, and he ain’t no existentialist philosopher either. In fact, the words to the single Can’t Imagine Feeling Better are as empty of meaning as it gets. (And, the reason for his feeling is chemical, before it spiritual) That is, of course, for one line, “Can’t Imagine Feeling Better”, repeated over and over again and in a manner that we can’t help but believe. This is a really fun single that captures a mood perfectly and does so without breaking much of a sweat.