We rarely at Alt77 tend to promote softer, sweeter sounds. It’s not that we’re devoid of romanticism. We just tend to harbour disbelief about that kind of stuff. Alas, when the delightful crooning is supplemented with the kind of ideas that would otherwise seem disjointed with the rest of the mix, alas, we are all about offering our unbridled support.
Case in point SLEEPTLKER with the paranoid-pop single “Wave Hello to the NSA Agent Watching Over Me“. Heard from a distance, this sounds like a ditty straight out of the Phil Collins songbook. However, SLEEPTLKER makes what he likes to call “unpopular pop“.
The cute melodies and well-studied singing is underscored by the lyrics. As the title proudly proclaims, this is a love song for what the New Jersey native considers to be the ever-watchful eye of the authority.
The reverb-drenched guitar lines and vocals give the song a dreamlike quality, while the vocals are part Vegas singing-act, part Vegas-comedy routine. We live strange times, and SLEEPTLKER is using his voice to chronicle the ongoing debacle.