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Alt Reviews

It came from the bedroom: Spice Jar and Vaughan Supple reviewed

Spice Jar and Vaughan Supple reviewed

Vaughan Supple – Put My Mind To Sleep

If you’re reading the Alt77 blog and a major label coincidentally employs you, you must be feeling confused. Here are these gigantic, global companies investing incredible sums of money in the recording and promotion of popular music. All the while, great musicians and potential rock stars are popping out of their bedrooms and on social media, armed with music that is as well-written, recorded, and marketable as anything that the wise record execs might be able to cook up. 

Of course, there’s also the matter of inflation. Back in the glory days of the record industry, only a handful of musicians had the luxury of recording music and have it be distributed nationally or internationally. There are so many records coming out each hour at present. Yet, the charm and talent of some musicians give us hope that the truly great ones will not fly under the radar for very long. 

Vaughan Supple’s Put My Mind To Sleep is that kind of bedroom-recorded single. The teenage musician, as yet unknown to the mainstream public, packs the tune with all the wit and charm that made critics fall in love with early 2000s NYC bands. His vocals are on point, his melodies are gripping, and the rhythm section chugs things along nicely. Best of all, he recorded this without the supervision and permission of anyone from the music industry and, frankly, may well have done a far better job than most of the folks on the payroll. How do you like that?

Spice Jar – I Can’t Sleep

Some people scoff at the resurgence of pop-punk. Some of those who are angry with the style’s renewed success are either old punks who’ve never cared for the melodies and playful vibe of the music or simply old fans of pop-punk that would just listen to the music that they grew up with.  

I happen to think is that pop-punk is one of the styles in which true songwriting still exists. It’s one of the few places where someone capable of writing memorable melodies, a strong set of lyrics, and who possesses enough personal charisma can genuinely make themselves known. Furthermore, it is one of the only rock genres willing to embrace modern trends. 

Spice Jar’s I Can’t Sleep is as basic a rock song as it gets. Practically, it’s as simple as a Ramones song, which is not something that was ever used as an insult against the NYC quartet. In fact, it’s fresh and gets to the root of our collective rocking itch. 

It’s built on a brilliant melody and a flawless vocal delivery. It spills over with energy, and its production is as crisp as a new dollar bill. There’s nothing about this song that would not help it land on just about any playlist honouring pop-oriented punk-rock. 

About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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