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Alt Reviews

Knock on Wood: Steve Little and Brand New Friend Reviewed

Steve Little and Brand New Friend Reviewed

Brand New Friend – Stars Bleed

Genre: Indie Folk, Indie Rock

Brand New Friend believe in pouring out their emotions for all of the world to hear on the new single “Stars Bleed.”

Apparently, the height of a professional songwriter’s career is when they get involved to sit in on a writing session. These sessions usually pair up two or three songwriters. Their goal is, usually, to come up with as much usable commercial material in as little time as possible. 

Naturally, being able to quickly write songs that others will record would stroke the ego of anyone looking to learn to pen a jingle. But there’s something that ought to also rub them the wrong way. Back when they started, it’s hard to imagine that they saw themselves as factory factors in the music trade.

Brand New Friend starts with emotion and lets everything come into place later. That’s the approach used in “Stars Bleed.” That’s what makes it a believable song. It’s that pain-stricken lead vocal and the melodies that fit so well on it. It’s hard to describe an emotion. That’s why most songwriters don’t try. Ireland’s Brand New Friend aren’t looking to be one of the pack. 

Steve Little – Burning Up

Similar artists: Therapy?, Foo Fighters, Rise Against, Silverchair, Nirvana

Genre: Punk, Alternative Rock

Steve Little is living in a world of make-believe. Good! That’s what we expect from our modern rock. 

Books make you live unbelievable adventures, travel to far-off lands, and better understand the world.” That’s how most teachers pitched reading to us. While the offer may have sounded inviting, unless your parents were itching that you join a prestige Ivy League college one day, the advice fell on deaf ears. 

Blame it on a lot of things. Blame it on the competition. For many people, the substitute for truly getting informed was rock music. What did it provide that was so exciting? Well, you dream of great adventures, of travelling to far-off lands and even gave you a better understanding of the world. Plus, it did it all with loud electric guitars. No contest!

Steve Little’s “Burning Up” is an exciting modern rock track. It’s not subtle. And it doesn’t sound like a live track. But it does capture the excitement. The guitar riffs are good, and so it the gritty vocals. Plus, it invites you to dream away of more exciting times and places through the power that only rock music can do. Rock has done more for this world’s illiteracy rate than anything else, and I, for one, am happy for it. 

Brand New Friend - Stars Bleed


Steve Little - Burning Up




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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