objects in space – Retinal Detachment (Lies to be Buried in)
Genre: Post-Punk, Screamo / Post-Hardcore, Emo
Similar artists: La Dispute, Touche Amore, Thursday, A lot Like Birds
I keep promising myself to allocate one month in which to diet exclusively on post-hardcore music. Or, at the very least, music that packs a similar emotional punch. Perhaps, I keep putting it off knowing it will not be easy, in spite of the clear benefits involved.
Life throws at you everything that it can get its hands on. We’re unprepared most of the time. Frankly, there are few better ways to simulate what emotional impact of some of those impacts than by using art. Emotional post-hardcore music is like being invited to a funeral. Repeated listens are the equivalent of moving into the funeral parlor.
objects in space’s Retinal Detachment (Lies to be Buried in) are the ambitious, emotional space that we keep postponing visiting. This is no battle cry. Instead, it’s a cry of despair, but one that needs to get out. objects in space let you count your lucky stars, and step into the minefield if only for a short period of time. It can prove useful.
SunDog – Triple Dog
Genre: Hard Rock, Garage Rock, Alternative Rock
Similar artists: Dilly Dally, Starcrawler, Death Valley Girls, LA Witch, Ohmme, Liz Cooper
The really good rock bands work off powerful, dangerous energy, in the same way that nuclear scientists handle a reactor. When it works, there’s little that competes with it. If things go array, the results are catastrophic for everyone in the proximity.
You’ll hear the tired cliche all the time. Rock n’ roll is a young person’s game, they say. Well, I dare say that age in itself has nothing to do with it. The explosive energy that songwriters and performers are able to muster do, on the other hand, play a vital part in creating convincing music.
SunDog’s Triple Dog is a hard-rocking number from musicians that sound like they’ve been wrapped too tight, for too long. It’s guitar music seemingly made in isolation. It’s a shout through a deserted forest. The soaring vocals come down like an avalanche of sorts. And, was the energy involved in SunDog’s record not used for music, who knows where we would all be.