Alt Reviews

Reubin X and A Deer A Horse Reviewed

Reubin X – THE ACTIVIST We’ve all been tricked, but we were helpless to stop it. The moment that they brought in the radio, the television set, the smartphone into our lives we thought we were just getting the opportunity to access cutting-edge technology. We…
Alt Reviews

Dear Misses and Kevin Cryderman Reviewed

Dear Misses – Shine & Glitter Plenty of people trust preachers so much that they elect them to public office or, at the very least, ask them to guide the nation. Plenty of people will buy tickets to see mystics who, they hope, will reveal some truths about life…
Alt Reviews

Glamper and Fair Call Reviewed

Glamper – Back Chewer I was always wondered where the really rich and successful musicians bands rehearsed. Now, there aren’t many of those around. But thanks to the bands’ obligation to post content on their social media channels, we now know what we always…
Album Reviews

The Beatles - "Abbey Road" Reviewed and Revisisted

The Beatles’ “Abbey Road” could’ve easily merely been an odds-and-ends collection from a band on its last legs. Instead, history has greeted it as one of the most successful albums by one of the greatest bands of all-time. Highly inventive, at times…
Alt Reviews

Eduard Bănulescu - "Fiction's Real" Review

It’s a hard truth, but few people come to a decision on their own and, when challenged, have the power to maintain it. Blame it on the frailty of our human nature, or blame it on our education. But nearly every single one is a potential turncoat. All that’s…
Alternative History

The 130 Best Indie Rock Songs of All Time

There’s something about great indie rock bands that makes you think of the underdog coming on top or something extraordinary occurring despite the odds. The best indie rock songs of all time are nearly all famous against tougher pop competitors vying for the same chart…
Alt Reviews

The Last Man and A Weekend at Ramona's Reviewed

The Last Man – Resonator The world’s a funny old place, and so are the people in it. There are so many ways to avoid bad news, political propaganda, or clever marketing ploys. But nearly none of us choose to walk out. We keep coming back for more, as if the next…
Album Reviews

Påls butikk - "Utakkens sønn" Reviewed

If you’re optimistic, you will regard life as a kind of make-your-own-adventure experience. That, in turn, will mean that you’ll trust that possibilities are endless, roads are always open, adventures are plentiful, and always feature a happy ending.  If you’re…