Alt Reviews

Growing up is giving up: The Dirty Nil and DE8ED reviewed

DE8ED – THE ONLY THING THEY FEAR IS YOU It’s interesting how different groups of people want to be given a moratorium over angry music. Those same groups tend to also make a big deal about how it affects certain demographics. Limp Bizkit, for better or worse…
Alt Reviews

Thelonious Monster - Disappear (Review)

How many bands do you know that after decades of making music sound angrier and more energized than they did back in their teens? The world changes, and regardless of musicians becoming happier and grumpier, their musical output tends to wilt. Thelonious Monster merits…
Alt Reviews

Goons - Bella (Review)

Sydney outfit Goons produce a well-rounded, melodically plentiful tune on “Bella” their recent single. The mix of alt-rock guitars and 60s soul vocals reminds me of the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ efforts to move away from funk circa the early 2000s. …
Alt Reviews

Accidental Caps - Into the Sky (Review)

Accidental Caps here sound like they are time-travelling to the tail-end of the grunge movement. It was right before established music critics began being comfortable with using the umbrella term of “alternative rock”. Some of the groups that snuck into those…
Alt Reviews

Motel Faces - Over And Over (Review)

Motel Faces are in fighting spirits on new single “Over and over” again. Stretching their technically rock n’ roll stylings into more aggressive territory the group deliver a tune that checks most of the boxes when it comes to modern rock stylings.  A…
Alt Reviews

All Flags Are Grey - Blood Box Review

All Flags Are Grey remind me of people in my acting class, specifically, does that would yell if you forgot your lines in rehearsal. You may be tempted to call the group a bit too self-involved if you experience their visuals without the music. However, on closer…
Alt Reviews

French Mouth - Teal (Review)

The next you hear someone bemoaning the state of modern rock and the lack of powerful bands playing real instruments, you could offer French Mouth as an example. As opposed to some of their contemporaries, this group does more than just quote old classic rock riffs.