Alt Reviews

Constant Follower and MacGregor Burns Reviewed

Constant Follower – Whole Be The history of rock music, and, by consequence, all of the styles that have sprouted from it, is, really, the history of instrument amplification. It’s the story of people fighting to make instruments sound louder, to make singers be…
Alt Reviews

Jimmy Mallia and Tyler Ballgame Reviewed

Jimmy Mallia – Had Em All Humour is one of the elements that, fortunately, creeps into alternative music all the time. It helps the music feel as if it’s coming out of the left field as if the people responsible for making it have a greater vision than any of us…
Alt Reviews

Crones and Coydog Reviewed

Crones – Vegas Years Everyone has a past. But for most people that involves having sat in a tiny room for years and years doing math exercises, or answering phones. For most people, their past is a series of endless, boring days which helped them get to where…
Alt Reviews

Summer and Inland Isle Reviewed

Summer – Les filles du soir People tend to put uncomfortable things off for another time. We don’t like to look the truth square in the eyes, not when we know that it’s going to bother us. And, to avoid it, we have plenty of tools. Pop music is, most certainly…
Alt Reviews

Campaigner and Lyons & Co Reviewed

Campaigner – Your Boyfriend Nearly every rock music performer got to live out their fantasies. What? You can’t possibly assume that Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler actually did all of the things he bragged about doing in his band’s songs. It’s not just the bands…
Alt Reviews

Stereo League and Cosmic Room 99 Reviewed

Cosmic Room 99 – Plastic Venus Genre distinctions used to be much more important. They would be followed without fault and, generally, foolishly by fans. The genre distinction was as clear as land border to a country where travel was impossible. It meant that…
Alt Reviews

Lilia May and Club 8 Reviewed

Lilia May – Kaleidoscope Truly great stories aren’t just worth being retold. They need to be! What was true about them stayed that way through the ages. But the format, the language, the manner in which it was told is bound to become archaic. Keep Shakespeare or…
Alt Reviews

John Fox and Ever-Lovin' Jug Band Reviewed

John Fox – Neon Lullaby If the gigantic internet success of Toto’s “Africa” has taught us anything, it is that great songs of any genre deserve recognition at any time and that music hipsters, for the most part, are hypocrites.  Do you think that they…
Alt Reviews

Miserable chillers and Cole Withers Reviewed

Miserable chillers – Eloise Not everyone who fell in love with The Beatles dreamed of becoming globally successful rockstars offered the world’s riches on a silver platter. Sure, most of them did. But some of the best Beatles followers fell in love with the…