Alt Reviews

figaro and Supermodel Reviewed

figaro – All I Know For a few years now, music fans on the internet have had a new obsession with obscure 80s music. But it’s not just the songs that failed to reach the top of the charts that thrill them. It’s the songs that nobody knows anything about other…
Album Reviews

Björk - "Homogenic" Reviewed and Revisited

Björk is not singularly responsible for creating Icelandophilia, an obsession with all things related to the tiny Nordic island. But, the artist’s sudden and colossal success, together with the otherworldliness of her music, certainly helped sell as many tourist…
Alt Reviews

Bloody Tourist and Kris Lefcoe Reviewed

Bloody Tourist – Ceremony The great studio musicians of old really miss the good ol’ days. Of course, they would. The 1980s was the last time that they were vital to making a hit record. Just imagine producers having to sit around for the band to tune up, only to…
Alt Reviews

CASILIAN and The Shape of Sanctum Reviewed

CASILIAN – Haine de mon ADN You don’t just get people to listen to your message regardless of how important it may be. Just try and find esteemed college professors and try to post their classes on YouTube. Most often, you’ll notice that they have tens of views…
Album ReviewsAlt Reviews

AWOLNATION - "The Phantom Five" Review

AWOLNATION – The Phantom Five It’s the most modern music composers that first feel when the winds are about to change courses for everyone’s ships. It is these innovators who must have the courage to be the first to change. Their story is one of constant seeking…
Alt Reviews

Superfónicos and Photay Reviewed

Superfónicos – Renaceré The people who have everything are the most likely to lose it all. Those who have nothing not only have to acquire what it is that they need but also, if they’ve acquired the wisdom for it, periodically shed away some of the weight of…
Alt Reviews

The Threepios and Pari Eskandari Reviewed

The Threepios – Run, Luke, Run! Similar artists: XTC, Elvis Costello & The Attractions, Joe Jackson, They Might Be Giants, Pixies Genre: Alternative Rock, Alt Pop The only two music styles that have any business still being around are power-pop and garage…
Album ReviewsAlt Reviews

Just Leila - just for me

The world out there is loud and desperately seeking to get your attention. It will stop at nothing to make you engage with it from the moment you wake up until when you’re ready to rest your head. What does it want with you? Is it anything so important that it should…