Cabinet of curiosities

Weird Rock Star Action Figures

The crafting of action figures is a business that normally focuses on the assumed physical likeness of world-famous comic book superheroes. These are the make-believe characters possessing superpowers, characters with a selfless desire to change the world, those who…
Cabinet of curiosities

Iggy Pop and Peaches collaboration

Iggy Pop has always provided his best work collaborating with other artists of the same ilk. He, of course, worked with David Bowie on two of his most famous albums, served as the inspiration for Ziggy Stardust, and has recently got Josh Homme involved in producing and…
Alt Reviews

Iggy and the Stooges : Search and Destroy

As far as alternative rock music goes, Search and Destroy by the Stooges could serve as a perfection definition for what that is. Say aliens decided to finally invade Earth and they decided they need to know what rock music is. You could play them Search and Destroy and be…