Alt Reviews

Always Grounded and The Junior Varsity Reviewed

Always Grounded – Midnight Drive Everything is fair in love, war and pop music of any variety. The latter, by far, includes some of the worst crimes. But you’re unlikely to hear about them when the pop star is out doing a promotional tour and trying to entertain…
Alt Reviews

The Taxpayers and Doctor Steevo Reviewed

The Taxpayers – Evil Everywhere “Bastards!” That’s the way that fabulous folk-punk turned pop-rock bands The Taxpayers have been portraying themselves since their earliest recordings. But there are types and types of bastards. There are those who smoke a…
Alt Reviews

Degler and New Driver Reviewed

Degler – Things Are Looking Up Ordinary things shouldn’t happen to extraordinary people, or, at the very least, they ought to remember never to admit to those things. Artists, in particular, are a bunch who don’t thrive under regular circumstances. And, even if…
Album ReviewsAlt Reviews

SUKH - “Heading East” Review

Most songwriters have topics that they avoid talking about. Some do it strategically, as they don’t see any great commercial payoff. Yet, others do it because they don’t know enough about the matter to give their opinion. One of the least tackled issues in pop-rock music…
Album ReviewsAlt Reviews

SYNNX - "Atlas of Heart" Review

Remember the stories of rock stars giving up on material possessions and following a guru to India or going to find solace in the desert? Remember musicians taking years to compose their magnum opus and annoying everyone at their record label? Who cares whether those stories…
Alt Reviews

Tennessee Frisky and Idaho Green Reviewed

Tennessee Frisky – Monsanto I’m not sure if you’ve been reading any other reviews lately, buying glossy magazines or checking out the evening news. If you are part of that shrinking demographic, you may have been lost in the sway of it all. It’s likely you…
Alt Reviews

Lisa Crawley and GeorgeAlley Reviewed

Lisa Crawley – Hey You To be honest, record label people have never known what to look out for. The only thing that they know is that they’re completely lost and about to lose their jobs once somebody finds out. Because of this, and because of the way…